terms and policies

Arevalo transpor´t policies

Limited Data Collection: The company undertakes to collect only the information necessary to carry out its services or business transactions. The collection of unnecessary or sensitive data not directly related to the provision of the service will be avoided.

Specific Use and Purpose: Data provided by customers will only be used for the purpose for which it was initially collected. It will not be used for other purposes without the explicit consent of the customer, and in no case will it be sold or shared with third parties for commercial purposes without authorization.

Data Security: The company will implement appropriate security measures to protect customer information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. This includes the adoption of encryption practices, restricted access to sensitive data, and periodic security audits. 

Transparency: This policy aims to ensure transparency in the management of information within Arevalo Transport. 

Transparency Principles:

  • Closed Access: Information provided is handled accurately and will be available only to authorized employees.
  • Accountability: Those responsible for information management will be clear and accountable in the handling of data.
  • Confidentiality Protection: Confidential information will be protected from unauthorized disclosures.
  • Compliance: Our staff is trained in information management procedures and policies.


Rectification Rights: Customers will have the right to request changes to their data if it is inaccurate, and to request its deletion when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, provided that there are no legal obligations that prevent it.